18 Road - North Fruita Desert
Enjoy a system of world class single-track mountain biking trails accessible directly from the adjoining campsites. The trail system and associated camping provide great opportunities to experience the diverse terrain of the desert environment along the base of the Bookcliffs. Food, lodging and other amenities are available nearby in the City of Fruita. For more information related to camping at the North Fruita Desert Campground, visit Access a map of the mountain bike trail system here:
<p>Take Interstate 70 west to Fruita (exit 19). Turn north onto Cherry Street and take the first right onto Aspen Avenue. Go through the roundabout and continue on Aspen to Maple Street. Take a left on Maple Street and then travel north. The street will turn into 17.5 Road. Take a right on N.3 Road and then a left on 18 Road. Travel approximately 7 miles on 18 Road to the trailhead, event area and lower campground. Continue 1.5 miles north to reach the upper campground loops. For more information related to camping at the North Fruita Desert Campground, visit https://www.blm.gov/visit/nfd-campground</p>

18 Road - North Fruita Desert
Enjoy a system of world class single-track mountain biking trails accessible directly from the adjoining campsites. The trail system and associated camping provide great opportunities to experience the diverse terrain of the desert environment along the base of the Bookcliffs. Food, lodging and other amenities are available nearby in the City of Fruita. For more information related to camping at the North Fruita Desert Campground, visit Access a map of the mountain bike trail system here:
<p>Take Interstate 70 west to Fruita (exit 19). Turn north onto Cherry Street and take the first right onto Aspen Avenue. Go through the roundabout and continue on Aspen to Maple Street. Take a left on Maple Street and then travel north. The street will turn into 17.5 Road. Take a right on N.3 Road and then a left on 18 Road. Travel approximately 7 miles on 18 Road to the trailhead, event area and lower campground. Continue 1.5 miles north to reach the upper campground loops. For more information related to camping at the North Fruita Desert Campground, visit https://www.blm.gov/visit/nfd-campground</p>