Great Facilities and Amenities
Campfire Allowed
(16 of 17 campsites have Campfire Allowed)
Checkin Time
(16 of 17 campsites have Checkin Time)
Checkout Time
(16 of 17 campsites have Checkout Time)
Driveway Entry
(Majority of the campsites have back in)
Max Num Of People
(Up to 8)
Max Num Of Vehicles
(Up to 2)
Pets Allowed
(16 of 17 campsites have Pets Allowed)
Natural Features

The Snowy Range rises from sagebrush and lodgepole pine forests in lower elevations to spruce-fir forests and alpine areas in the high country. The area offers views of rugged peaks over 12,000 feet, gorgeous snow-melt lakes and stunning displays of native wildflowers.

The Snowy Range offers endless recreational activities for any kind of visitor. Specifically, the Snowy Range contains a network of hiking trails suitable for day hiking and for extended, backcountry trips. Additionally, Streams and over 100 lakes in the area provide a variety of challenging recreational-fishing opportunities in the area. Popular attractions near this campground include Silver Lake, Lake Marie Falls, Mirror Lake, Medicine Bow Peak Trail, French Creek Canyon Trail and Miners Cabin Trail. Winter activities in the area include snowshoeing and skiing.
Permitted Equipment
5th wheel-N/A
camper van-N/A
pickup camper-N/A
pop up camper-N/A
Nearby Attractions
Popular attractions near this campground include Silver Lake, Lake Marie Falls, Mirror Lake, Medicine Bow Peak Trail, French Creek Canyon Trail and Miners Cabin Trail. Silver Lake can be acessed using the Silver Lake Trail that surrounds the lake. The lake is 17 acres in size with a maximum water depth of 25 feet. Brook trout reside in the lake.
The Snowy Range Scenic Byway is a 29-mile stretch of paved road crosses through spectacular alpine habitats.